A new architecture for the iLBS (integrated control and operating system) together with all of the components in the DIC context are defined in the “Design integrated console (DIC)” project for DB Netz AG.
With DIC, the future operating system of DB Netz AG for the control and monitoring of all traffic on the federal railway lines will be created. In the specifications in accordance with CENELEC phase, our team from the MBSE group worked on the definition of the SCI-CC CCS (operating) interface and the SCI CMC. This is the interface between the IOS (integrated operating system) and the ISM (integrated sub-master station) for the control and safety technologies (e.g. electronic signal box, ETCS-Z, DOKU, RS, and ZMA) of railway operations at application protocol level (ISO/OSI Layer 7) and from subsystems in the IOS and ISM to subsystems in the CMC (CCS management centre). Particular attention was also paid to requirements from EN 50159 regarding IT security measures to fulfil safety during telegram transmission.