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SIGNON: Know-how enabling success on rails

We utilise the latest technologies with skill and respect in order to make global rail traffic ready for use in future.

SIGNON stands for ultra-specialised services covering all aspects of equipment for railway infrastructures with complex systems, from control and safety technology to railway power supply systems right through to telecommunications systems and vehicle technology, including for global rail systems.
Our multi-disciplinary teams are made up of all kinds of professions, including electrical engineers, mathematicians, software experts, system and transport engineers, ensuring we can pool together our expertise for every single rail project.
How can we support you? SIGNON is your service provider for the rail system. We are your first point of contact for innovation in the railway sector.

What we do

From analyses and concepts to planning, right through to operations and optimising these operations, we are able to offer planning, engineering and consultancy services across maintenance groups for local and long-distance traffic, and during all project phases too. SIGNON is also heavily involved in the design and introduction of new technologies, such as ETCS (European Train Control System), digital signal box (DSTW) and BIM (Building Information Modelling) in the railway sector, making it your partner of choice to contact for innovative topics. The following are key to our success: Competence. Innovation. Respect.

Our values

We advise our customers to the best of our ability and make use of our network to ensure that all of our customers are given the best possible solutions for themselves and their companies. We also look outside of the box too, constantly looking for innovative methods. The keyword for us is respect, both internally and externally.


Network – Know-how – Consultancy


Diversity – Experience – Flexibility


Trust – Sustainability – Organisation


Holger Rosenberger

Holger Rosenberger was appointed Managing Director of SIGNON Deutschland GmbH in May 2017.

Prior to joining the SIGNON Group, he headed numerous projects in Germany and outside Europe. He joined SIGNON in November 2015 as Head of the Signalling and Control System department.

Holger Rosenberger has been using his vast experience in project, personnel and risk management in his role as Managing Director: “My vision is to advance SIGNON, promote innovation and further develop SIGNON as a skilled provider of engineering services.”

Gerd Hübner

Gerd Hübner has been Chief Financial Officer of SIGNON Deutschland GmbH since April 2016. Since September 2021 he became also a Managing Director of SIGNON. 

He studied politics and business administration. After graduating, Gerd Hübner began his career at the management consultancy firm A.T. Kearney with a focus on Manufacturing, Business Process Reengineering and Finance.

After moving into the industry, he held senior positions at Daimler AG and the EADS Group (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company) in business development and finance with international focus in Eastern Europe, Middle East and South Africa.

SIGNON ist ein lebendiges Unternehmen, in dem es neben den fortlaufenden Innovationen für die Bahnindustrie auch sonst viel zu berichten gibt. In unserem Bereich ‘News’ finden Sie spannende Einblicke hinter die Kulissen der SIGNON Deutschland GmbH.

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Sie möchten mit SIGNON die Zukunft gestalten? Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach innovativ denkenden Menschen, um unser Team zu vergrößern. Unsere Mitarbeiter gestalten durch ihre Beratungs-, Planungs- und Entwicklungsleistungen die Mobilität von morgen. Schauen Sie direkt nach offenen Stellen.

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Are you planning a project within the railroad industry? We are happy to be there for you. Get in touch and our competent staff will be happy to help you.