SIGNON – Teilnahme an Satellite4Rail, TRAKO, European Rail Safety Days und RSSRail 2023
Möglichkeiten zur Vernetzung im Eisenbahnbereich sind für verschiedene Fachthemen essentiell
Treffen Sie unsere Expert:innen zur “Space for Innovation in Rail Towards Satellite-Based ERTMS – #Satellite4Rail” vom 13.09.2023 – 14.09.2023 in Madrid.
SIGNON präsentiert im Rahmen der “TRAKO – 15th International Railway Fair” am 20.09.2023 innerhalb des Konferenzanteils “Architecture of a State-of-the-Art Rail Traffic Control Command and Signalling System” einen Beitrag zur modellbasierten Systementwicklung unter dem Titel “Development of standardised interfaces in complex CCS systems by means of a model-enhanced approach”.
Bei den “European Rail Safety Days 2023” die dieses Jahr in Tallinn vom 20.09.2023 bis 21.09.2023 stattfinden, nehmen wir auch teil.
Im Oktober sind wir auf der “RSSRail 2023 International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems” in Berlin vertreten. Hier können Sie neben dem Besuch der Workshops und Präsentationen auch unsere Kolleg:innen an unserem Stand treffen. Diese Konferenz findet vom 10.10.2023 bis zum 12.10.2023 statt.
SIGNON at Satellite4Rail, TRAKO, European Rail Safety Days and RSSRail 2023
Meet our experts at the “Space for Innovation in Rail Towards Satellite-Based ERTMS – #Satellite4Rail” on 13th and 14th of September 2023 in Madrid.
SIGNON is please to held at the “TRAKO – 15th International Railway Fair” at the 20th of September 2023 in the conference section “Architecture of a State-of-the-Art Rail Traffic Control Command and Signalling System” a presentation in terms of “Development of standardised interfaces in complex CCS systems by means of a model-enhanced approach”.
The “European Rail Safety Days 2023” in Tallinn taken place from the 20th till 21th of September 2023 is also covered.
In October the “RSSRail 2023 International Conference on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems” in Berlin will cover various workshops and presentation. Meet our colleagues on our both and start your exchange. This conference is made between 10th and the 12th of October 2023.