Die SIGNON ist Ihre Dienstleisterin für das System Bahn
Vom Konzept über die Planung bis zum reibungslosen Betrieb.
Mit unseren interdisziplinären Teams finden wir für jede Herausforderung eine passgenaue Lösung. In allen Projektphasen profitieren unsere Kund:innen von unseren Kompetenzen. Mehr als 6.000 erfolgreich realisierte Projekte sprechen für sich. Elektroingenieur:innen, Mathematiker:innen, Software-Expert:innen, System- und Verkehrsingenieur:innen - mit SIGNON bekommen Sie die besten Fachleute aus allen Bereichen.
Technische Beratung
Consultation at all stages. Planning rail systems with SIGNON.
SIGNON is your partner for the planning of technical rail systems across maintenance groups; from the initial consultation services (provided via operating simulations, preliminary, draft, approval and implementation planning, as well as preparation and collaboration in the awarding of contracts) through to the drafting of as-completed drawings. With more than 200 employees over four sites throughout Germany, we have put together multi-disciplinary teams made up of all of the required disciplines. We ensure rail systems are planned meticulously thanks to our know-how of global railway technology. SIGNON specifies, implements and integrates the following during the implementation phase:
- Railway power supply
- Electrical power systems
- Earthing & return current routing
- Contact line
- Cable coordination
- Control and safety technology
- Information and telecommunications technology
Rail traffic of the future. Engineering for railways.
Over the next few years, rail traffic is expected to perform significantly better and become more reliable and digital in order to be more competitive as an environmentally friendly alternative to other modes of transport. SIGNON’s engineering services are intended to provide comprehensive support for the developments required for this purpose, and during all phases too. Are you ready to take on the future?
- Software Engineering
- Data Engineering
- Systems Engineering
- Safety Engineering
Technical consultancy for the rail system
The aspiration behind all of our projects is to have trains that are reliable, safe and arrive at their destination on time. With our vast national and international experience, we are on hand to provide you with comprehensive services enabling professional technical consultancy at all stages.
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
- European Train Control System (ETCS)
- Digitisation to increase efficiency
- Studies & simulation
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