The “Digitale Schiene Deutschland” project deals with the digitisation of the entire railway operation. The aim is to bring about significant increases in capacity, reliability and efficiency by using new digital technologies in the railway system. A completely new digital platform is required for the German rail system in order to achieve this. The focus here is on technical systems, such as digital signalling and control systems (ETCS and digital signal boxes), digital control technology for tighter sequence control, Automatic Train Operation (ATO) and object recognition.
SIGNON supports Deutsche Bahn with this project thanks to its systems engineering expertise. By working in collaboration with experts from Deutsche Bahn, our engineers are on hand to specify and model the architecture for the overall system, its subsystems and their interfaces according to a standardised approach by using SysML (Systems Modelling Language). This will result in future in system architectures whose components enable modularisation on the one hand and make requirements management (such as traceability or rational matters) for the complex rail system easier on the other hand.